AIRO (Association of Irish Racehorse Owners) in conjunction with HRI Ownership will host an ‘Owners Roadshow’ at Naas Racecourse on Thursday 30th March, 2023.
The purpose of the roadshow is to provide a platform for owners to ask industry representatives any questions they may have in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The following industry representatives will be available during racing in the tote hall under the main stand to answer all queries: AIRO – Association of Irish Racehorse Owners Find out how to join, what service AIRO provides for Owners and the various members’ benefits available to you as a racehorse Owner. HRI Ownership How to become a new owner, different types of ownership available and what an owner can expect going racing as an Owner? The HRI Ownership team will be on-hand to provide all the relevant information. Education & Training Representatives from Equuip will advise owners on the education and training facilities that they provide for the industry along with career opportunities available within Racing. Entries/Declarations and Balloting Ever wondered what the processes are regarding entries and declarations or how the balloting system works, now is your chance to find out… HRI Entries & Declarations team are available to advise on all these issues. Owners Charges HRI Client a/c representative will advise on what charges are currently being paid by Owners and what new owners can expect to pay or any questions you have in relation to your racing account. Welfare HRI Welfare Department Representative will be available to advise owners on what procedures and plans are in place regarding horse & human welfare. While there will also be stand representing TREO EILE, a charitable organisation who will provide information to owners regarding the retraining and rehoming of ex-racehorses and Irish Polo Crosse, who will also inform Owners of the type of thoroughbred that their members would be looking for as a post-racing option for your horse. Admission is FREE for everyone and there will be sandwiches/sweet treats/tea & coffee for all owners who attend during racing. Vouchers for refreshments will be available from the AIRO stand. We look forward to welcoming you all on the day. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Regina in AIRO on 045 878173 or email [email protected].
January 2025